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Spy & Lie Stuff
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Spector Professional

Spector 2.2

Spector for



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Handy Truster


Net Detective


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Lie Detector Game

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Frequently Asked Questions        Back to SPECTOR

1. Will Spector work on my PC?
2.How much memory is appropriate for Spector?                                                      
3.How much disk space does Spector take?
4.How does Spector protect my child from Internet pedophiles?
5.Is Spector like the Internet filtering programs?
6.Can I use Spector and an Internet filtering program at the same time?
7.Will Spector work on my other PC applications besides the Internet?
8.What is your opinion about letting employees and others know that they
are being recorded with Spector?

9.Does Spector come with a money-back guarantee?
10.How easy is Spector to install and use?
11.What if my kid or employee tries to stop Spector from working?

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1. Will Spector work on my PC?

Yes, as long as you are running Windows 95,Windows 98 or Window NT and have a Pentium-based CPU
running at 100 MHz orfaster.


2. How much memory is appropriate for Spector?

Spector will run with 16M of memory, but we suggest 32M of memory or more for optimal


3. How much disk space does Spector take?

This depends on many factors, such as how frequently you set Spector to save your screens,
whether you save in full color or 4-bit grayscale, and how many days you allow Spector to record
before automatically getting rid of files. It also depends on how heavily you use your PC.
A typical 8-hour day of recording will take about 10M of hard disk space.


4. How does Spector protect my child from Internet pedophiles?

While Spector cannot stop all pedophiles from going after children on the Internet, it provides a
great deterrent, and allows you to be aware that such activity has been attempted.

One of the biggest deterrents to pedophiles is getting caught. If a pedophile has an online
conversation with your child, Spector will record that conversation. If the pedophile divulges their
phone number or address, you will see that in Spector.

If you see that your child has had such a conversation, you will be able to take the
appropriate action to stop that from happening in the future. Further, if a pedophile suspects
that he/she is being recorded, they will quickly move on to another target. As more and more
people use Spector, pedophiles will begin to notice, and most likely stop going after children,
at least on the Internet.


5. Is Spector like the Internet filtering programs?

No. We at Spector do not believe that filters are very effective. They too often don't catch
the web sites you want to stay away from, and they often prevent you from visiting completely
legitimate sites.

We believe that recording what people actually do is the best way to keep them from
inappropriate sites. When people know they may be watched, they are much more careful
about what they do.


6. Can I use Spector and an Internet filtering program at the same time?



7. Will Spector work on my other PC applications besides the Internet?

Yes. Spector records PC activity for all of your applications, including word processors,
spreadsheets, financial programs, databases, communications, and even games. If you are
concerned about how much time your employees are spending playing games at work,
you'll be able to see exactly how they are spending their time with Spector.


8. What is your opinion about letting employees and others know that they are being recorded with Spector?

It is our belief that you should let employees and children know that their PC activity may be
recorded. After all, Spector is not so much about catching someone in the act as it is about
stopping him or her from inappropriate activity to begin with.

However, it is up to you to decide how you use Spector. There may be situations where you do
not want someone to know they are being recorded. For example, you may suspect a
person within your company of embezzling money. You are looking for proof. In this
situation, you may want to record their activity without letting them know that they are being
recorded. (Of course, if they know they are being recorded, it will probably stop them from
deviant activity to begin with.)


9. Does Spector come with a money-back guarantee?

Yes. If you are unhappy with Spector for any reason, please notify us within 30 days and we
will refund your purchase price.


10. How easy is Spector to install and use?

We have designed Spector to be very easy to install and use. Installation should take less than
two minutes. After that, you click on the Record button to start recording PC and Internet activity
and a Playback button to review recorded activity. If you want to get more sophisticated,
Spector makes that easy too with simple menus and online help.


11. What if my kid or employee tries to stop Spectore from working?

Spectore requires a password to change any of its settings. You choose your own password and
can change it at any time. Spectore will not allow someone to stop recording activity unless they
know the password.

In a corporate environment, you can make it a violation of company rules to attempt to disable
Spectore. If you find that someone has gotten "smart" and figured out how to disable Spectore,
we suggest a warning for the first offense. For repeat offenders, you will need to establish a
policy that may ultimately lead to the dismissal of someone who continually tries to circumvent

If the offender is your child, you may consider suspending his/her PC privileges.