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Spy & Lie Stuff
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Spector Professional

Spector 2.2

Spector for



Truster 2.4

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Handy Truster


Net Detective


Fun Stuff

Lie Detector Game

Q Ball




Credit Cards

Check or M.O.
























Quest the Lie Detector Game         
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You can hide those feelings from your
friends but not the lie detector.

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It's the ultimate ice breaker.You'll laugh at each other!
You'll laugh at yourself!
You'll find out how much you
don't know about your friends and how much we all have in common.
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Watch as lights on a real lie detector show a
friend's responses to questions!

Developed and patented by a
and an electronics engineer,

A new game of lies and laughter.
Imagine showing up at a party with some
sophisticated polygragh equipment. Then
imagine what it would be like to strap it on
some unsuspecting soul.

Now let's imagine putting that person through
a series of all sorts of embarrassing questions.
Can't you just see all the other guests laughing
every time the machine registers a lie? Imagine
the fun, imagine the spectacle...Imagine no
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Call it the perfect ice breaker, a novelty, a
gizmo from hell, call it Quest the lie detector

Quest is a socially interactive adult party
game that consists of a hand held lie detector
and 216 socially provocative questions. The
lie detector was developed and patented by a
police pol ygraph examiner and an electronics
engineer. The questions are designed to
contrast the id and the ego. The questions are
about things that most people have done or
thought about, but don't want to admit.

Players are divided up into two teams. After
determining who will be questioned first, the
question cards are then randomly selected and
read to all players.

The other team must then discuss which
question will generate the highest emotional
response from the player being questioned.
Once this has been decided, with the lie
detector engaged, the two questions are
asked. The hand held lie detector will then
display the size of the emotional response to
each question using an illuminated bar graph. If
the opposing team guessed correctly the
device sounds an incriminating alarm and they
are awarded a point.
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The basic premise is so simple it's
brilliant. Besides being totally original,
there's no dice to lose, no board to spill
drinks on and it comes in a box small
enough to actually fit on a shelf."
Mark Tayti - The Tribune

You'll laugh at each other! You'll laugh at
yourself! You'll find out how much you don't
know about friends, and how much we all
have in common.

Nominated by the National Research
Council as one of the most
innovative projects of 1996.

Not yet available in US stores!

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Credit Card