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• Incoming & Outgoing Email
• Applications Launched
• Web Sites Visited
• Instant Messages/AOL Chat
• Keystrokes Typed

Get eBlaster 3.0 Now!

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Mail/Phone Orders

eBlaster Product

• Super Stealth Mode
• Password Protection
• Hot Key Activation
• Online Help
• Keyword Notification
• Activity Reports sent as
 frequently as every 30 minutes
• Reports sent ONLY
when you want them
• Flexible Report Scheduling
• Works with Modems, Cable Modems, DSL and LAN

eBlaster Product


NEW eBlaster 3.0 - Now Records and Automatically Forwards Email!

eBlaster lets you know EXACTLY what your employees or family members are doing on the Internet, even if you are thousands of miles away.

eBlaster records their emails, chats, instant messages, web sites visited and keystrokes typed -- and then automatically sends this recorded information to your own email address.

Within seconds of them sending or receiving an email, you will receive your own copy of that email.

In addition, every 60 minutes, you receive an Activity Report of their latest chats, instant messages, keystrokes and web sites visited, plus a summary of all emails. (If you want to receive reports less frequently than once every 60 minutes, it's easy to change to once every few hours or just once a day.)

Instant Email Forwarding!

Records and INSTANTLY forwards incoming and outgoing emails, including Hotmail,
Yahoo mail, AOL email, Outlook and even Microsoft Exchange email.

No other product on the market records and instantly forwards emails. Whether it is an AOL email, a Yahoo email, a company email using Outlook or Microsoft Exchange, Outlook Express, Earthlink, Mindspring -- eBlaster records it at the moment it is sent or received and IMMEDIATELY sends you a copy of the email (to the email address you specify.)

Example 1:

At 3:30 PM on Tuesday, your son sends an email using an AOL account. You have eBlaster set up to record all emails and have them sent to your work email address. eBlaster captures the email he sends and immediately sends a copy of it to you at work.

If your son were to receive an email, you would also receive a copy of it within seconds of him receiving it.

Example 2:

As an employer, perhaps you want to receive copies of emails whenever the phrase "Company Confidential" is used.

You simply tell eBlaster that you want to receive emails that include the text "Company Confidential", and it will automatically copy you on ANY emails containing this phrase.

Records Chats and Instant Messages

eBlaster will record BOTH sides of a conversation in the following chat and instant message programs:

- AOL chat rooms
- AOL Instant Messenger
- MSN Messenger
- Yahoo Messenger

Records Web Sites Visited

eBlaster records URLs of all websites visited. The eBlaster Activity Report includes:

- URL visited
- Total Time spent on each web site.
- Date and Time the web page was first viewed

Records Keystrokes Typed

eBlaster will record every keystroke typed on the computer -- whether part of a chat conversation, an instant message, an email, a Word document, or even a password typed. The eBlaster Activity Report includes:

- Application the keystrokes were captured in
- Date and Time the characters were captured
- Actual captured characters

Instant Notification

eBlaster records emails, chats, instant messages, web sites visited and keystrokes typed.

You can tell eBlaster to look for certain words or phrases that you consider important enough to be notified about.

Then, if that word or phrase appears on a web site visited, in an email sent or received, in a chat conversation or instant message, or is simply typed in -- eBlaster immediately captures this and sends you an email right away, alerting you to possible trouble.

Optional Remote Install

If you are not able to physically go to the computer on which you wish to install eBlaster, you may benefit from our Remote Install Add-On, which allows you to email the eBlaster program to the recipient's email address. Perfect for parents with kids away at school or employers with remote offices.

>>> Click here to find out whether the eBlaster Remote Install Add-On is right for you.

Please note: The remote install feature is an option you may add on at the time of payment and is not included in the $99.95 auction price for eBlaster 3.0.

Who Uses eBlaster?

As a parent, you no longer have to wait until you get home from work to find out what your children have been doing on the Internet. Or, if you have to be away for business, you don't have to wait days or weeks to see what your children have been doing online. You can now find out from anywhere in the world!

As an employer, you get hourly and daily reports of all their emails, chat conversations, instant messages, the web sites they are visiting and the keystrokes they are typing. Are the mice playing while the cat is away? You'll find out with eBlaster!

Built for Windows

eBlaster is fully compatible with Windows XP, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT and Windows 2000.

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Get eBlaster 3.0 Now!

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