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1. Will eBlaster work on my PC?

eBlaster runs on PCs with Windows XP, Windows Me, Window 98, Windows 95, Windows
2000 and Windows NT. You should have a Pentium or AMD processor running at 100 MHz
or faster and 32M of memory or higher.

The computer on which you read the e-mails sent by eBlaster can be ANY computer,
including Windows, Macintosh, Unix, Linux and Sun. The only requirement for the receiving
 computer is that that the email account must have sufficient Inbox storage space to receive
all the email from the monitored computer.


2. How much disk space does eBlaster take?

Besides the eBlaster program, which takes about 3 megabytes, eBlaster requires
minimal storage space to archive each activity report. This is because the activity
reports and the recorded email are forwarded to your remote email address. eBlaster
can be configured NOT to archive the activity reports on the monitored computer and
NO additional disk space will be required.


3. What does eBlaster record?

eBlaster records:

        • All Email sent and received
        • All Web Sites visited
        • All Chat and Instant Message conversations
        • All Keystrokes typed
        • All Applications run

eBlaster also allows you to specify a list of keywords. If a keyword is typed
by the user, a special alert will automatically be e-mailed to you. For example, if the word “pussycat” is one of your keywords, then every time someone types “pussycat” on the computer, you will receive a notification of that.


4. How often does eBlaster send reports?

eBlaster can send reports as frequently as once every 30 minutes. When first testing
 out eBlaster, we suggest sending reports at the default frequency of once every 60 minutes.

However, after you are familiar to eBlaster, we would suggest sending reports less
frequently. Many people choose to have the reports sent once a day, so that you get
 a lot of information in one report.


5. Can I view a sample eBlaster Report?

eBlaster records email sent and received, keystrokes typed, web sites visited and chat conversations, and then sends these recordings to your email address.

To receive a SAMPLE eBlaster report via email, please enter your email address below:


6. I want to receive reports ONLY while I am at work and the kids
 are home from school. Can eBlaster do that?

Yes. eBlaster is very flexible and allows you to specify the times during which to
record and send, as well as the days of the week you want to receive reports.

For example, for Monday through Friday, you might tell eBlaster to send reports
 between the hours of 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM, while you have eBlaster send no reports on weekends.


7. I use a Macintosh computer at work, but the kids use a Windows
computer at home. Can I receive the reports at work on the Mac?

Yes, because eBlaster sends its reports via e-mail, you can read the reports from
ANY computer that can read e-mail.

However, the PC that eBlaster is recording must be running Windows 95, Windows 98,
Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000, or Windows XP.

>>> See Also Question #1


8. I already have Spector. Why do I need eBlaster?

Congratulations on your Spector purchase. Spector is wonderful for recording detailed
 activity and viewing that information at a later time from the Spector computer.

eBlaster is for those who spend a lot of time away from the computer that does the
 recording, or for those who do not have frequent access to that computer. For example,
with Spector, a parent who travels frequently for business has to wait until they get home
 from the business trip to see what their children or spouse was doing. With eBlaster,
the parent can see what the kids have been up to every time he/she checks e-mail!!!

For a detailed comparision chart of all SpectorSoft Products and their Features, click here.


9. Will eBlaster and Spector (or Spector Pro) work together?

Absolutely. In fact, eBlaster and Spector (or Spector Pro) together provide a super
Internet monitoring and recording combination.

For a detailed comparision chart of all SpectorSoft Products and their Features, click here.


10. I don’t want anyone to know their activities are being recorded.
 Is this possible?

eBlaster does not show up as an icon, does not appear in the Windows system tray,
does not appear in Windows Programs, does not show up in the Windows task list,
 cannot be uninstalled without the eBlaster password which YOU specify, and eBlaster
 does not slow down the operation of the computer it is recording. eBlaster does not initiate
connections to the internet and will only forward email and send activity reports when the
monitored computer is already connected to the internet.

That said, SpectorSoft strongly advocates that you inform anyone whose activities you
may record with eBlaster, and to that end, you must agree to do this prior to installing
 the eBlaster software.


11. So, if eBlaster does not show up anywhere, how do I get into it?

To view the e-mail reports sent to you, you do not have to enter eBlaster. In fact, after
 installing eBlaster, most people never need to touch that computer again.

However, if you do need to open eBlaster to change some settings, you simply type
 a Hotkey combination, which is 3 keys pressed simultaneously followed by a
fourth key. (Nobody would ever accidentally type those 4 keys, so they won’t
accidentally discover eBlaster is present.)

For additional security, you will be prompted to enter a password.


12. Does eBlaster use Outlook, Netscape or any other e-mail client
 to send Activity Reports?

No. eBlaster has a built-in e-mail client that will automatically send reports without
using your normal e-mail program (Microsoft Outlook, Netscape Messenger, etc...).

This means that your email program will not keep a record of the sent reports
or forwarded emails.


13. If the computer being recorded is not connected to the Internet,
 will eBlaster connect automatically? I'm concerned that it might be
 too obvious that eBlaster is installed.

eBlaster will not automatically connect to the Internet. If a scheduled report is due to be
 sent, and the computer is not connected to the Internet, eBlaster will delay delivery of
the report until it detects an Internet connection has been made.

This is part of the Stealth operation of eBlaster and is designed to avoid possible
detection of the program by the user of the computer being recorded.


14. Will eBlaster work with AOL?

Yes. eBlaster is compatible with AOL 5.0, AOL 6.0 and AOL 7.0.


15. Can I purchase eBlaster and download to a CD-R, and then use that CD-R to install on another computer?

Yes, as long as the other computer is owned by you. Please do not install eBlaster on a computer you do not own, as you may violate state or local law by monitoring the activities of property that does not belong to you. When your purchase is complete you will be given a download link and serial number. This will allow you to download and install eBlaster from any computer connected to the internet.


16. I have seen others charge a monthly fee for the use of this kind of software. Is there a monthly fee associated with eBlaster, and if so, how much is it?

SpectorSoft does NOT charge any monthly fees whatsoever for the use of eBlaster. There is only the one-time price of $99.95 for the use of eBlaster on a single computer.


17. Does eBlaster come with a money-back guarantee?

If eBlaster does not perform as advertised, please notify us within 72 hours of purchase. Our customer support staff is available 7 days a week, and we will do our very best to make sure the product performs properly. Assuming you have notified us within 72 hours of purchase, if we are unable to resolve the issue within 3 days of you notifying us, we will refund your purchase price in FULL.

Please note that we do not provide refunds for simply changing your mind.


18. I do not have physical access to the PC I wish to monitor. Does
eBlaster support remote installation?

If you purchase the eBlaster Remote Install Add-On, you may be able to send the program installation file to another email address.

Assuming that the receiving email client will allow the receipt of a .EXE file attachment and that the user opening the email clicks on the file attachment, then eBlaster will automatically install itself on that computer. Once installed on the remote computer, eBlaster will send recordings from that computer to your email address.

VERY IMPORTANT: You MUST be the owner of the computer to which you are remotely installing eBlaster. If you are NOT the owner, or have not received permission from the owner to install eBlaster on that computer, you could be in violation of state or local law by monitoring the activities of property that does not belong to you.

For more details on whether the eBlaster Remote Install Add-On is right for you, click here.


19. I'm ready to buy. How soon can I get eBlaster?

eBlaster is available now for immediate electronic download.

Using our secure server, you can purchase, download, install and begin using eBlaster in less than 10 minutes, even if you download using a 28K modem!

Click here to purchase and download eBlaster now