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If secretly recording keystrokes is all you need, this is the program for you!

keykey.jpg (2636 bytes)   Why keep a log of keystrokes? Here are a few reasons:


  • Maybe you suspect your spouse of cyber-cheating on you in a chat room or by email. Or maybe it's your boyfriend or girlfriend you would like to keep an eye on. 

  • Would like to know what your children are doing on the computer when you aren't there to watch them.  Maybe they were chatting  with a perverted stranger. Or maybe they were looking at an offensive website. 

  • Maybe you have an employee or employees and you want to make sure they are not wasting company time.  Now you can monitor this and warn them about wasting company time if needed. And you'll have the proof.

  • If you make your living using a computer, and your income depends on your computer,   What if your computer crashed? With KeyLog   your data is still there.


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KeyLog Features

Fast report generator that will quickly display all keyboard activity for any given day. Everything typed on the keyboard daily can be quickly displayed by generating a new report. You can generate a report to view recent keyboard activity at any time you wish by clicking the "Generate and View Report" button.


Anti-detection routine to hide itself from anti- monitoring software. If you are using KeyLog to spy on someone, this is a very important feature. Or maybe you just don't want anyone knowing KeyLog is monitoring your computer. Either way, this powerful anti-detection device will help keep it your little secret.


Record TimeStamp feature. With this feature you can record the time, so you can view more detail on what you have done along the day. Or what your employees have done along the day. This is an excellent way to monitor employee productivity.


Password for accessing KeyLog Monitor. With this version, you can set password protection to access KeyLog Monitor. This way no one can
access KeyLog  without your password.

Note: This records keystrokes only on your computer. For  both sides of chat or email conversations plus snapshots of the screen for the most complete information about what takes place on your computer, we recommend Spector.


KeyLog is extremely easy to use. Just follow our simple 3 Step Tutorial

Step #1


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Under the Advanced tab you'll find: Count file name is a file containing the number of current sessions (e.g. how many times you start-up your computer). You can also set the maximum count / sessions (e.g. how many times you start-up your computer). Maximum count / sessions tells KeyLog the maximum number you start- up your computer before 'trashing' log file into old log file, and reset log file size to 0.

Maximum count can be set to 0 (unlimited) or in the range 1-1000.  Maximum log file size can be set to 0 (unlimited, well.. limited by your storage free space) or in the range 1-1000000 KB.


Buffer size can also be set to 0 (write directly) or in the range 1-1024 KB. KeyLog can be activated or can be stopped from recording from this menu. There is also auto flush and record timestamp feature here. Auto flush enables you to write any characters (keystrokes or process name) in KeyLog buffer to your storage device (e.g. harddisk) at time interval you specified. TimeStamp recording feature enables you to record the time of keyboard

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The View/ Report Tab
View/Report Option From this menu, you can generate a report from the the log file. Just click the "Generate and View Report" button. This will display your recent keyboard activity of your computer.


Output Option Section
An output file is already selected for your convenience. So you don't have to enter anything for your output file. We recommend you leave it the way it is. But you can provide a different output file (reporting file) if you want.

That's it! Simple, Fast & Stealth!


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